Lauri Smith
When Lauri came to Alina, she had difficulty communicating in writing about herself and her services.In spite of her extensive experience as a coach and business owner of 12 years, Lauri was experiencing confusion and uncertainty around her messaging.
Although she knew that vulnerability and authenticity is what helped her connect with her people, Lauri didn't know how to bring that into her marketing, and didn't understand why certain things worked and others didn't.
Lauri wanted to get crystal clear on how to articulate what was inside of her in order to magnetically draw in her Tribe of people. She wanted to know what type of content to share, she wanted the content to flow out of her and have it feel easy.
She wanted her brand to stand for: "courage, creativity, authenticity (or RawThenticity), empowerment, leadership and impact".
Lauri worked 1:1 with Alina for 3 months. In the program, she realized that:
- She had 3 ideal client avatars she loved to serve.
- Her top brand archetypes were Magician and Hero, with a dash of Lover.
- There was a far more compelling and aligned way to describe her offers.
- Her brand story needed Alina's magic spell to turn into a rich and memorable experience.
- Alina's branding process excavated so much authentic content for social media posts and live videos!
Alina helped Lauri dial in her core message and write new copy for her website that spoke to her soul clients.
A graphic designer redesigned Lauri's brand board, so that her online presence would be authentic and cohesive.
Alina helped Lauri create a new and strategic website that converted website visitors to clients.
Our website developer turned Alina's design into a functional Wordpress website (check it out below!).
As a result of this process, Lauri reported a renewed sense of aliveness, alignment, clarity, confidence, empowerment and embodied presence. Her favorite thing about the program was Alina's combination of intuition, reading energy/alignment and directness.

Before working with Alina, I spent 12 years struggling to communicate what I do in writing to the people I love to work with. I felt an urge from deep inside of me to clear the static that prevents those who need me from hearing my call – and knowing what the heck I’m about.
Working with Alina has been a DEEP, MAGICAL & EMPOWERING experience. I feel seen and understood, my message is clear and I’m ecstatic about the clarity and richness of my brand.
Now I’m able to step more fully into my most intuitive, courageous self and call others forth so that, together, we can create transformational change in the world.
My summer program has 6 amazing souls and I already have one person signed up for the fall program. Work is on fire. People are reaching out to connect, offering to share about me and my programs.
Designed by Dee Gieser

Wordpress Website