Welcome, Visionary!
My name is Alina.
I'm on a mission to help you stand in your power and apart from the crowd.

Here’s the thing:
You’re amazing and multitalented, yes. But you are also a business owner! Without a clear and compelling message that is consistent across all platforms, you won’t be able to attract dream clients who spread your message and grow your tribe.
You don’t have to sacrifice your freedom for your business.
You don’t have to leave pieces of you behind.
You don’t have to copy the successful people you admire.
Your business is your chance to be fully YOU, integrated!
Instead of feeling scattered, overextended and exhausted, you’ll get to have a core message and identity you wrap yourself around so that your mind relaxes and you can be more present with your clients.
When you are free from distraction, worry and anxiety, when you stand in the center of your truth, you are the most magnetic being imaginable.
People don’t just want to be your friend and get everything for free or little, they are ready to sign up to work with you because you mean BUSINESS. They find your charm and clarity unique and irresistible, and they pay PREMIUM to bask in it.
Now you probably want to get to know ME.
Seven years ago I left my job and plunged head first into building a coaching business with no marketing or sales knowledge whatsoever. I was going to help people heal and let go of stories of "not-enough’ness". With a coaching certification under my belt and a multitude of talents, I was convinced I was meant for greatness, and felt invincible.
Three years later, I was deeply in debt, with only a few clients to speak of, energetically spread out into a million pieces and wondering whether my talents were only a figure of my imagination. I had lost my rent-controlled apartment and started avoiding my friends and family because I felt too much shame when asked how business was going and saw the disapproving look in their eyes. I soon found myself alone, depressed and convinced the world did not want what I had.
That took me down a spiral to serious illness and financial strain.
I’ve been in many business programs that help practitioners find their niche, and saw that the practitioners who struggle the most to find their brand are also the most multi-talented. This is so unfortunate! Because the truth is - if you don’t have a clear and compelling brand that fully represents you and fills you up with joy, you won’t be able to attract and convert high-paying clients.
I'm on a mission to change that. Because I know for me, once I found the right support and defined my true brand, I instantly felt stronger, energized and confident, and attracted higher-level clients who not only paid me my higher rates, but got bigger results.
I want that for you, too!
Who do I work with?
My ideal clients are curious, adventurous, bold, strong-willed, enthusiastic and multi-talented visionaries who want to authentically grow their impact, increase their net worth and live an inspired life. I work with coaches, healers, educators and thought leaders who are passionate about shifting consciousness on this planet.

We’ll be a great fit if…
- You want to be the face of your brand and step into more visibility.
- You feel a personal responsibility to help more people and change more lives.
- You know your business is part of your spiritual path.
- You are not willing to copy someone else in order to have a successful business, you want to be you. PERIOD!
- You are committed to removing distraction from, and bringing more mindfulness into your life and business.
- You know you have the skills to help people.
- You appreciate a coach who organizes you, asks you difficult questions and is willing to go with you to the deepest parts of your unconscious.
What sets my coaching apart?
Yes, branding includes logos and colors and beautiful pictures. It showcases your business in a multi-sensory way. But in order to arrive at that, good branding that sticks always needs to start with DEEP SOUL DIGGING to find the core of who you are and what motivates what you are doing.
Through the trials and tribulations of entrepreneurship, we often forget why we started our business in the first place. To reconnect with the truth, the desire and the passion inside of us can be incredibly energizing and transforming. To me, branding or re-branding is FALLING IN LOVE AGAIN with your business and your ideal clients.
Oftentimes, the parts of us that have been hurt need to be healed in order for you and your brand to be fully integrated. That is when my energy healing background comes in, to RECOVER THE LOST PARTS OF YOUR SOUL so they can come back, join the team and play with us.
How I work:
> I organize you, but I also want you unleashed.
> I challenge you, and I also hold the most fragile parts of you in compassion.
> I am willing and able to go with you as deep as you want to go, and be with you as wide as you want to be.
> In a clear, focused way, with style (of course).

My Experience:
- I have a BA in psychology, an MA in Communication Disorders and over 15 years combined experience in authentic communication and identity shifting.
- I hold a coaching certification from the Robbins Madanes Institute, where I learned Neuro-linguistic Programming from Tony Robbins.
- I am a minister of the Church of Natural Grace trained in grounded meditation, psychic reading and energy healing.
- I am certified in a transformative bodywork modality that releases emotional blocks from the body, called Zen Bodytherapy.
- I’ve invested hundreds of hours and over $400,000 in my own training and personal development so that I’m up-to-date and always improving myself and what I offer.
Fun Random Facts:
- I was born and raised in Romania
- I speak three languages fluently.
- I am passionate about authentic relating and non-violent communication.
- I am a semi-professional dancer.
- I am an Enneagram type 8 with a 7 wing, which means I dream big, I challenge the status quo, and I love leading people to their greatness.
- I've been trained in internal martial arts.
- I like dark chocolate.